I know it says that it must be frozen but I think I read somewhere that you do not have to do that anymore. Granted its a pain to do it which is probably why its not done that much. What I dont understand is after reading the rules it does not state when it should be frozen i.e. if alive you weigh it and its whatever pounds after you freeze it would weigh more wouldnt it therefore invalidating the weight?
Regardless great catch and great release.
Here is the rules from ODNR site with the point of contact.
Read These Rules:
*All record fish are to be examined by an Ohio *Violation of any of these rules will lead to
Division of Wildlife fisheries biologist to determine invalidation.
correct species. *Fish submitted for state record certification
*Fish taken from pay lakes are ineligible. must be taken in a sportsmanlike manner. The
*Fish must be weighed on certified scales. Enclose committee will review all facts, decisions by
copy of county auditor's certification with application. the committee are final.
*If weighed on digital scale, enclose scale print-out.
*Weighing of fish must be witnessed by 2 persons. Make copies and mail application and photo
*Close-up photo of fish must accompany application. within six months of catch to:
*Fish must be kept frozen intact until certified, as OWO
reserves the right to examine it. Tom Cross, Chairman
*All fish must be legally taken. State Record Fish Committee, Outdoor Writers of Ohio
*Total length measured in straight line from tip of snout 1497 Cross Rd., Winchester, OH 45697
to farthest tip of tail, with fish laid flat, mouth closed. Phone/fax 937-386-2752
*Girth to be measured at thickest point.